Welcome to Dogra Pumps!
Mumbai - 400062

About us

It has been more than 40 years since we have took on the enterprise name of “Dogra Pumps”.

If we part in our founding years, we can say that the company will be in service for more than 50 years with our excellence in work and satisfied service.
With our technical spirit brought into full play in businesses of submersible pumps manufacturing. Dogra Pumps has grown in parallel with various departments in industries and societies, developing products that would eventually lay the foundation for our current mainstay business.
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Dogra Submersible pump sets are specially designed with the use of latest manufacturing techniques. Years of experience superior design and better manufacturing techniques have resulted into development of this range of pump sets, which are efficient and reliable in operation requiring minimum maintenance.

We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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